

Dr. William Hensel


Dental Urgent Care and Personal Comprehensive Dental Solutions

Our dental professional, Dr. William Hensel, provides dental urgent care for the Central Louisiana area and a comprehensive dental solution to your situation.  Our office is located on a country road and has a slight, personal touch.  With personal appointments, one patient at a time is the focus of our attention.  A large staff, we are not; you want the dentist, you get the dentist.  Call for your personal, professional, and convenient dental care appointment.

If you do not find a convenient appointment time, call, and I can help you with your time. Always leave a message; we may be with a patient or at the lake fishing.


Schedule An Appointment

We often have after hour appointments available.

If your preferred time is not available, call and I may be able to assist you. If I’m busy, just leave a message.


Book an Appointment

Book an appointment online or call us at (318) 787-3556.