

Dr. William Hensel


If you have insurance, please call so we can verify that we accept your insurance policy

Appointments are requested

Dental Urgent Care and Personal Comprehensive Dental Solutions

Our dental professional, Dr. William Hensel, provides dental urgent care for the Central Louisiana area and a comprehensive dental solution to your situation.  Our office is located on a country road and has a slight, personal touch.  With personal appointments, one patient at a time is the focus of our attention.  A large staff, we are not; you want the dentist, you get the dentist.  Call for your personal, professional, and convenient dental care appointment.

If you do not find a convenient appointment time, call, and I can help you with your time. Always leave a message; we may be with a patient or at the lake fishing.


Schedule An Appointment

We see patients by appointment to allow enough personal time.

If your preferred time is not available, call and I may be able to assist you. If I’m busy, just leave a message.


Book an Appointment

Book an appointment online or call us at (318) 787-3556.

If you have insurance, please call so we can verify your insurance and that we accept the policy